Updates and such and such


So what's been happening since I last blogged you ask? Well...LOTS of art making, a new computer, still pinching myself that I'm represented by Lilla Rogers Studio, 8K+ instagram followers, and I took up needle punching (I'll show pics of that in a separate post once I have a few things to show).

Can I just say that upgrading from a 5 year old 17" laptop to a 27" sparkly new desktop has been AMAZING?! I must've had the patience of a preschool teacher while I was working on that lappy. Now I have the patience of a preschooler if my file takes longer than .3 seconds to save. Seriously. Having the large screen also revealed a major flaw in my website. My images were all different sizes and I couldn't tell on the smaller screen. It was bugging me for a while- so tonight I decided to re-size all my images and make them consistent. I also updated my landing page with that big kitty illo that I reworked from a MATS assignment. rawr.


Misha said...

Fantastic, Katie! We are computer twins. I also upgraded this Fall in the midst of a big client project -- which was not the ideal time -- but so happy to be on the other side of the switch. Your work looks amazing, as always!

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