20 steps to the studio


sometimes getting into my studio feel like the hardest thing ever- it's approximately 20ft from my couch, but it can feel like an epic journey to get my butt in there. This always happens when I haven't painted in a while- i get ultra intimidated and find reasons to avoid it...
- i just need to draw more (a good thing to do, but eventually painting needs to happen)
- i need to get out and be inspired (another good thing, but this usually just ends up as a trip to goodwill)
- dishes, laundry, alphabetizing tupperware (especially since i'm being hit with waves of 'nesting, ' these can be my biggest distractors)
- no good reason, just would rather watch project runway all stars (we don't even have a tv, but hulu and the interwebs can be evil)

thankfully yesterday my excuses ran out and i was feeling bold, so into the studio i went- i tried to make it as un-intimidating as possible, going in just to experiment and try out some techniques for some new pieces. Not going in to make finished art that will make me rich and famous. I was pleasantly surprised with the results, I worked for a few hours and even went back in after a lunch break, and my soul felt quite renewed by working with paint again. here's what i was playing with:

so dear studio- i'll be seeing a lot more of you in 2012.


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