waiting no more!


I think one of the things that holds me back as an artist is that I tend to change my style up and look back on older works with the "ugh- i made that?!" stink eye. It makes it very hard to have a cohesive portfolio when I only have a few works from each phase I've gone through. A few months ago I decided to take down my old site and wait until I had enough new work that made everything feel like they played nice together. Well I could've been waiting for years- and eventually I just had to say- it's never all going to be perfect- but you need a functioning website. I was encouraged by listening to Design Matters' interview with Jennifer Sterling who said-

"looking back theres only a handful of things that I really still like. I'll look at a piece and I only see the things that are wrong with it."

It's not just me!! So it was time to re-launch katievernon.com - even if i didn't feel ready. 

I'm actually very pleased with how it has turned out. I switched from indexhibit to Cargo- the template I chose is actually very similar to my old site- but it feels a bit more refined and I have found Cargo easier to work with and customize. And I feel like there's a nice visual link between my site and blog. I'm still tweaking things- but for now- I can live with it. 

(i just edited this post and deleted the phrase "a bit" 4 times!!! and left it in once- but geesh- that was a bit ridiculous!)


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